
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 22:04:16
解方程:x-3分之1 加2=3-x分之4-x解方程x-2分之1=2-x分之1-x 再减3计算:10ab分之3a-3b乘 a方-b方分之25a方b的立方学校要举行跳绳比赛,甲同学跳180个的所用时间,乙同学可以跳240个,又已知甲每分钟比 请问“How I'd love to see that movie!”怎么翻译?谢谢! i was absent from school yesteadsy .怎样变反义疑问句? 英语翻译我们有个课程改革的想法,叫做public health education initiative,应该怎么翻译? take the books翻译 这个雅思A类大作文这么写?Scientific and technology advances are benefit in our daily life today.However,most of the scientists are no longer able to find the solutions to the problems they have created.To what extent do you agree or disagre 雅思大作文模板(A类作文)需要一个交通能源类的科技类的 模板 第一段就可以了...要是有什么经典的词语或者好句子就更好了 雅思大作文a类和g类的区别我想问的是作文Task2.议论文.都是怎么回事? Mr.Smith gradually _____ a knowledge of the subjectA.attained B.achieved C.required D.acquired 老师都有得到的意思 我选的是A 因为 attain 有努力后得到的意思 老师能不能帮我分析一下每个选项 英语翻译句中the pleasure of the comany of怎么翻译,pleasure 和comany 都做什么讲,词性,修饰哪个词?两个of怎么翻译? 史密斯先生把中国的历史告诉了许多美国人.Mr Smith ___ ___ __ ___ the history of China The h___ of this house is Mr Smith 用给出的词的适当形式填空Jack,there isn't (many) _____ ice cream in the fridge.Please go and buy some.Do I have to finish the _____(wash) this mornng?I ______ (take) these new books to the classroom.The students _______(wait) for them now. To realize the value of one year:Ask a student who has failed a final exam.To realize the value he became famous at the age of 6 = Garbage in,garbage out. garbage in,gabarge out Overwork will be _____(伤害)to your health. Overwork will do ____(伤害) for your health 吃更多食物做较少运动会对你的健康有害 It will be bad for your health ()and () 孔子是我过古代伟大的思想家和教育家,其在政治方面的主要思想主张是什么 how long do you go shopping once a week.改错 is this mobile phone ___ you bought in shanghai 写什么,谢谢了 I bought my son a new mobile phone in this shop yesterday.强调间宾:是不是要添加相对应的介词for 作文青少年你准备如何继承和发扬孔子的儒家思想 I _____ my mobile phone since five years ago.A.bought B.have bought C.had bought D.have had Jane _______ (not take) her mobile phone with her yesterday.Tommy and Jimmy _______ (not watch) the movie at that time yesterday. she went d__ to look for her mobile phone. 请问老子和孔子是什么关系?他俩到底啥关系 she doesn't_________a mobile phone (应该填什么)? 孔子与老子之间的关系?希望能尽快解决. 73.He left school to work at the age of twelve.(同意句)