
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 09:27:41
“咖啡”,“玛瑙”,“菩萨”等都是随着外国商品和宗教文化等逐渐传入中国的外来词,你还知道哪些外来词至少5个,不要乱答~! 月相指啥?有口诀没? 一人有一个全国十二亿人也只有十二个这个东西是(打一词语) Can you tell me where he lives?分析句子的成分,为什么有两个宾语 木杯子内部有漆有毒吗请阐述理由 写一段关于校园爱情的英语对话,3分钟左右,2个人的. 写一段关于 看书 的英语对话,3分钟左右,2个人的.急!在线等,谢谢大伙啊.给翻译下好么? 用木碗好吗?木碗的漆有毒吗? Could you tell them ____?A.where Lily lives B.where Lily lives in C.where to live in选择哪个呢?为什么呢? BOTH 的 用 法(会英语的都进)Are your partents both teachers?A Yes,they are both.B Yes,they both are.请选择答案并说明原因!1 在直角三角形ABC中,∠BAC=90°,AD是高,DE⊥AB,DF⊥AC,垂足分别为E,F.求证AD的立方=BE*CF*BC 在△ABC中 AD、BE分别为BC AC 边上的高,过D左AB的垂线交AB于F 交BE于G 交AC延长线于H,求证:DF²=FG*FH 在△ABC中,AB=AC,高AD与BE交于H,EF⊥BC,垂足为F,延长AD到G,使DG=EF,M是AH的中点.求证:∠GBM=90° 按背景写一篇英语短文:last weekend i went to Beijing with my parents...背景:外国一家三口去北京旅行,他们乘坐火车,来到了北京动物园,还去了长城,最后去吃了北京烤鸭.请以小学5年纪水平写一篇小 I have a pair of small eyes and big ears怎么读 Uncle Mike will come to see us in a week.(对in a week提问)____ ______will Uncle Mike come to see you I will go to see you in the ( ) week.(followed) 如何写 My eyes are big and ears are small.的and后面要不要加my? 关于不定带词both\all\either\neither的英语问题1、There are many tall trees on _______side of the street.A both B all C either D neither 为什么选C?2、-Do you want an apple or a pear?-I really don't mind ________.A both B none C either My parents will_____me to visit the Great Wall. last Saturday,my parents took me ( )the McDonald's He have a square face,big eye,a small nose and a big mouth.请把以上这段英语错的地方改一下. Hans is from( German).He (are) tall and strong.He( have) a square face,big( eye),a small nose ana big mouth.He( wear )(a) orange shirt and( a drown trousers).His shoes( is) black.这段文章错了8个地方,是哪里? either,neither,both,all,none,no one,any,这些词的用法及区别 neither,either,both,among,none的用法和区别 Hou was your holiday last weekend?Good.I( )to the mountains with my parents.A.go B.went going D.will do You certainly shouldn't go to that party tonight."certainly " 你原本不该去参加那个聚会.英文怎样表达? 连词成句 market how they the go did 2.up party and she went the dressed end gave a answer in they direct don‘t really where know the I restroom 加拿大发展种植业生产的优势和劣势这是高中区域地理卷子上的一道题,要从影响农业区位的因素分析, ''all''与''both''的用法及区别最好给个例句 both 和 all both of的用法区别还有关于both短语的用法leave和be away from的用法和区别 用 春 开头 ,组个三字的词,如春~