
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 04:44:41
英语倒装句有哪些? 英语的 倒装句 是怎么会事学了 怎么久了 一直不懂 神一样的男人英文翻译 英语翻译神一样的男人 用各国语言翻译 越多越好(高手进) 神一样的男人,怎么忍心责怪你!翻译成英语是什么? 填空:His parents are strict with him _his study Thank you for helping me_my English. 找一种有代表意义的动物正在为我的社团找一个吉祥物,主要是定向越野(不清楚的可以百科一下),代表的是自由奔放激情速度,还有寻找方向,可爱或帅气一点的,常见一点的,群居的最好不一 各个动物所代表的含义最好多一点,我要把它用到漫画上. 请问这上面是什么动物,我只看懂有一个葫芦,请帮忙仔细看下, 谁能告诉我这个的含义是什么.代表什么动物..花鞋踩在牛粪上--底子臭 请问你们知道哪些动物的象征的意义呢?例如:白鸽象征的是和平 我只知道这个 请问你们还知道哪些呢? 求一段科比的英文简介用英语说的```初二水平的```别搞太复杂的词 不认识 ```简单说说``出生年月``事迹等等````60 70 词左右吧 来段翻译..简介``能概括他进入NBA到现在的 如何用美语祝贺科比?前些天梦中偶遇科比,我想祝他拿到第5枚总冠军戒指,但实在不会说,我就申出手掌,向他示意第5颗戒指,话说不出来真难受.如有兴再在梦中遇科比,我应如何说(口语):科比 已给出答案,请作出分析原因1.You look sunburnt,John.__B__ in the sun?A.Have you sat B.Did you sit2.You`ve only half an hour left.You`d better __B__ the most of it.A.do B.make C.work3.The girl on the bus began to sing a pop song and soon all 3当a= 时函数y=x的3a-2次方是正比例函数 若y=(x+3)x的m次方的平方-8是正比例函数 常用字母组合的发音比如sh发/f/没有f那个横,那字母我不会打.我急用,明天开学了,快 1.Word come from jane( )our manager would held a meeting to discuss the matter.A.who B.that C.which D.whether 2.My aunt used to spend a lot buying various types of hats ( )they did not suit her.A.as if B.only if C.if only D.even if3.Between the two p 1:How would you describe your relationship with your parents?请各位用英文一百个词左右回答即可, how much times do you spend with your parents?这话哪儿错了? how do you get alone with your parents?的中文How do you get alone with your parents?是翻译成 你如何跟你的父母相处呢,还是 你跟你父母相处的怎么样?若是前者,后者应如何说,若是后者,那前者如何翻译?如果 给发一篇英语作文 how do you deal with your parents 简单一点的就好 do you have any regrets in the relationship with your parents or friends wh 我在七年级(2)班 302房间 第11页 的英文翻译 帮个忙 加油 英文 怎么拼? 如遇所示的电路中,电源的电动势为12V,内电阻为0.6欧姆,定值电阻Ro=2.4欧姆.当滑动变阻器的滑片P滑到适当位置时,变阻器发热消耗的电功率为9W.求这时变阻器接入电路的阻值R. 一个人从深4米的水井中匀速提取50N的水桶至地面,在水平道路上又匀速行走了12米,再匀速走下6米深的地下室,则整个过程中此人用来提水桶的力所做的功为多少? 黑色 翻译成英文怎么拼呀! 3道英文选择题目 简单说下原因1,_____ great help you have given me! A,what a B,what C,how a D,how 2,i didn”t know ————because it was dark. A,what was happening B,what happens C,happened what D,what was happened 三道英文题目,简单说下原因.i met him yesterday.we___ each other for ten years.A,haven”t seen B,hadn“t seen C,didn’t seen D,don"t 2,the ____ in china grows rapidly .(tour) 3,i can"t afford the traveling ____by myself.(expense) 简单说下原因.4,In ancient times,the troops used three piles of fire as a ______ of a war.A,example B,mark C,signal D,symbol 5,it is important for us to employ a word or phrase to the _____ in language studies.A,sitvation B,expression C,conditio 3道简单英文,说下原因22,______ to be practical,the new teaching method is being accepted by more and more education workers.A,having proved B,proving C,proved D,having been proved 23,the car burns much fuel,but ____all things into considerati