来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 01:21:55
仁爱七年级下册unit7 topic2 sectionA 1a 课文或译文rt 同义句转换:It's about half an hour on foot from school to my home.My home is about()()()()fromschool. It's about half an hour on foot from school to my home.(改同义句)My home is about _____ _____ _____ _____ from school. 小便英语怎么说 will tom and jane play with you?will.可否替换成be going to 有时我五点钟起床用英语怎么说~ 我五点钟去购物用英语怎么说, 请在下午5点钟到达公园英语怎么说马克不在家,他一定在学校。怎么说 请问福尔摩斯英文原著难度如何,语言怎么样?语言用的好吗? 福尔摩斯的《四签名》中的四个签名的英文原文是?如题 The question of whether English will continue changing in the future is easy to answer. 我是天文爱好者,刚刚入门,请问是选双筒望远镜好还是选单筒望远镜好?麻烦说几个牌子和型号! I will have a lot of money in the future.Tom and me合并为一句 If the question _____ incorrectly,____ question will be given to youA.is answered;other B.answers;other C.is answered;another D.answers;another 我知道C,为什么 想买个望远镜,主要用于天文摄影,3000预算.求推荐~~~想买个望远镜,主要用于天文摄影,拍拍星云本来看中了天狼画师102ds,但是有点超预算稍稍.后来又听说这个性价比不好.长戈二号呢?迷惑了,求 Pls note the price that was given to you was based on our keeping… I will send picture to you tom for your ref//此句是什麼意思.请翻译. 天文观测入门级用什么望远镜好点.要多大口径的?希望能看到系内行星和一些小行星... 单词编一个英语故事slang,relish,account,punch,transfer 用这几个词语编一个英语小故事~take a risk/risksrush up toout of breathcontinue to do/doing go throughneed doing不要和新概念英语第2册第44课一样... 英语翻译指导员:谢天谢地你终于来了.这是你第一次接头任务,组织上相信你.你务必要完成任务.刘:保证完成任务!指导员:好,坐.一会儿接完头你把这个交给交通员.你记住了.一会儿咱们交 只有一个地球 一文是在呼吁人们怎么做? 只有一个地球一文呼吁人们怎样做急 上厕所,用英语怎么说啊? “他去上厕所了”英语怎么说 他去上厕所了,一会回来用英语怎么说? 起床去上厕所 用英语怎么说?急求! 天文菜鸟该买些什么样的双筒望远镜啊?看到网上有好多,真不知道该怎么选,比如要看到木星的卫星或土星的光环需要一个放大几倍的双筒望远镜哪些是名牌,国产的好还是.是不是还要一个三 _________,I believe,and you will find him very outgoing.A.Having a talk with Daniel \x05\x05B.Have a talk with DanielC.If you have a talk with Daniel \x05\x05D.After having a talk with DanielB One talk with him,I believe ,and you will find he is good.为什么不是 Having a talk with him _______, I believe, and you will find the student is very outgoing.A. One talk with him B. Given a talk with him C. Having a talk with him D. If you have a talk with him 急需英文剧本,要有中文翻译, 美国与中国有什么区别