
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 20:43:34
用would like what you please 怎样组成一个句子?意思是什么? 三国中的刘禅的禅的读音是chan 还是shan最好非常肯定来回答 ,证据是什么 刘禅的禅读音是shan 还是chan is about to do和will be有什么区别?is about to do和will be在翻译和用法还有语气上有什么区别有什么区别?求详细情况. is about to 为什么加个about? it is very kind__you to say do.A,of B,about,C,to,D,for应该是say so it is about things to do in the citynobody can answer it?oh,my god! “你是谁”翻译成英语读什么 问what would you like?怎样答 what would you like What would you like fordinner? 好听的英文名字 女孩 姓CHU 姓氏的chu怎么写 英文名chruse 怎么发音,我姓chu可以叫这个英文名吗 1molNa转变为Na+时失去的电子数为怎么算? 共有54根火柴,两个人轮流取每次可取1~5根,谁拿到最后一根就是胜利者,如果你参与游戏,请问有什么必胜的策略,吗? 一副扑克牌共有54张,2个人轮流取,每次可取1--5张,谁拿到最后一张就是胜利者,问先拿者和后拿者,谁有必胜策 一副扑克牌共有54张,2个人轮流取,每次可取1--4张,谁拿到最后一张就是胜利者 先拿牌的人要怎么做才能必胜 would,like,you,what(?)怎样连词组句? She has read English for__________.A one and a half mouth Bone and a half mouths C one and half mouths D one mouth and half meimei can write____english,but she can read ___english words A few;a little B little,a littleC little;a few D few,little 寓意为“完美的强者”或 “憎恨一切”的英文名 急求啊,谢谢!We want to know something about your weekend a____ 【英语选择题】i want to know something ___your class.[about/of/in/for]i want to know something ___your class.[about/of/in/for]maths ___ my favourite lesson.[is/are /am/无] you are from england .what about ___?[they/he/she/him] i want ___ you I want to know something about American family.the relationship,members and so on. If you want to know something about lions and monkeys 54张扑克牌,两人轮流拿牌,每人每次只能拿1-5张,谁拿到最后一张谁胜.怎样确保获胜 turn out 和prove 后面都能加to be ,to do 么 为什么说元素周期表中元素种类最多的是第六周期?第四第五周期不是与第六周期同样多吗 元素周期表中1-6周期所排元素种类数分别为还有族的排列顺序为? 元素周期表中--------元素种类最多 为什么23克金属钠变为钠离子时,失去的电子数为NA如题,通俗点说..为什么失去1MOL电子,为什么变成NA+就是一MOL?