
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:45:34
求翻译at the beginning ,four students in all were interested in the program There is ____ tree in the picture .A.no a B.not C.no D.no any .when she arrived,the plane( )away选哪个嘞flyflewis flyinghad flown When the plice arrived,she told police that she saw the thief sneak into the bank.为什么不用sneakin where are you going this afternoon一定要加this吗? the two girls are shopping,And there's ___girl,she 's reading under a treeIt's a little room _____ a ______ window.A.with,bright bigB.with,big brightC.of,big bright 填什么? with 和of的区别 将is,where,sarah,this,afternoon,going(?)排成句子 make sth out of和makesthfrom的用法有什么不同 make out of 怎么翻译 翻译you can't make something out of nothing 英语翻译." IfI,alone or together with my family,work on the land and raise crops,or if I make something useful out of natural material,it seems reasonable and fair to claim that the crops or the objects belong to me or my family,are my property,a 英国都有哪些货运港口呀?要英文的. make sth.out of的意思 我的名字最后一个字是:他的名字最后一个字是:华 求闺蜜网名!我的名字最后一个字是宇,她的名字最后一个字是艳! 一艘轮船往返于甲乙码头,净水中船速是5千米,水流速度每小时1千米,求船的顺水速度和溺水速度. 一艘轮船往返于甲、乙两地码头之间,顺水航行需2小时,逆水航行多用30分钟,接上面:已知轮船在静水中的平均速度为30千米每时,求水流的速度.(用一元一次方程;要有过程!) 一轮船往返于两个码头之间共需5小时,已知水流速度是每小时2千米,船速是每小时40千米,求两个码头的距离? 在vb中.输入a= 10 and 7.输出结果为2.求这个式子的意义、式子中and的意义、和结果2的意义.最好顺便能讲一下and的用法. i-am-going-to-spend-my-holiday-qingdao-isclean是什么意思必采纳哟 _____ _____ _____ my friends and I are going to spend our holiday in Hainan. 用VB解下面的题,简单的逻辑运算答案正确了,接着补上分数. 《黄河颂》这首诗歌中,为什么把黄河比作 中华民主的摇篮 简写下来我站在高山之巅,望黄河滚滚,奔向东南.金涛澎湃,掀起万丈狂澜; 浊流宛转,结成九曲连环; 从昆仑山下,奔向黄海之边; 把中 在圆x*x+y*y =5x内过点(2.5,1.5)有n条弦的长度成等差数列,最短弦长为数列首项a1 ,最长弦长为an ,若公差d(1/6,1/3] ,那么n的取值集合为( ) A {4,5,6} B {6,7,8,9} C {3,4,5} D {3,4,5,6} 双曲线(x*x)/9-(y*y) 关于黄河的现代诗歌,不要长江的,不要《黄河》和《黄河颂》 are,vacation,you,where,on,going连词成句 are on you where holiday goging连词成句 宇宙航行的公式讲解现在学这个,好难啊那些题目,推来推去的.公式全乱了.比如说那种公式适用于那种情况,那些代数分别为那个天体的什么之类的 .还希望一些有经验的理科生告诉我一些物理 判断对和错1.Ben have got a watch.He is very fun.2.There is six pencil on the table.2句错在哪里,为什么?正确如何表达.不知哪个正确,还要再讲给孩子听!到底哪个比较专业。 Where are you going _____ the holiday?A.of B.at C.to D.during where are you going for the holiday?为什么说for 什么时候用on Where are you going on national holiday