
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/09 14:59:47


爱国: Brave Heart 里的Williams Wallace,领导了苏格兰起义,推动苏格兰的独立,至今被视为苏格兰的英雄.因为帮助苏格兰从英国独立而被英国国王以叛国罪处死. Abraham, Lincoln,所做一切只为Union:"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause."
诚信: Ixion 是希腊神话中的一个国王,答应用国家金库的钱换来Dia作他的妻子,但是在娶过Dia之后又反悔,在他的岳父上门要钱时将老人锁在金库内烧死.后来Ixion向Zeus请求原谅,众神答应他之后Ixion居然又看上了Hera的美貌.为了惩罚他的不忠和之前种种,Zeus将Ixion绑在永不停转的火轮上永远折磨他的肉体. Abraham Lincoln:十几岁当杂货店店员,为了退还顾客多付的几分钱跑了十几里路;在当律师时曾经因为拒绝诬陷好人而拒掉了一个酬劳丰厚的案子. 奉献: Gandhi:终身为了印度解放进行非暴力运动. Florence Nightingale:白衣天使,亲自上战场改善医疗,创办多所护士学校,终身未婚.还有Mother Teresa、Mandela等等
惜时: Marie Curie:学习期间废寝忘食曾经贫血晕倒 Johann Sebastian Bach:为了练习小提琴半夜爬起来跑到树林里拉. 失败成功:还是Abraham Lincoln,经商失败、竞选议员失败、参加国家大选失败,连任州议员失败,零零总总十多次.最后成为美国历史上最伟大的总统之一. Thomas Edison,这个不用多说了吧.
坚持不懈: Akhwari:1968年墨西哥奥运会上,比赛途中受伤,但是坚持跑完全程. “My country did not send me from 7000 miles to start a race; they sent me to finish the race.” J.K.Rowling:家境再困难还是坚持写书,因为7哈成了传奇. 坚持真理: Giordano Bruno,都说为天文学而死,其实本人是个哲学家,因为听说哥白尼Copernicus的日心说,推论出宇宙之中存在着千万和我们地球相似的星球,被Catholic Church施以火刑,至死不肯改变自己的立场. 同样情况的还有Charles Darwin.为了阻挠他的Origin of Species发表,教会还诬陷他抄袭.最后Darwin以他绝无仅有的详细例证证明了清白并坚持出版,推动了整个生物界的发展进程.
俭朴: Einst
普希金(1799~1837),俄国伟大的诗人、小说家,19世纪俄国浪漫主义文学主要代表,同时也是现实主义文学的奠基人,现代标准俄语的创始人,被誉为“俄国文学之父”、“俄国诗歌的太阳”他诸体皆擅,创立了俄罗斯民族文学和文学语言,在诗歌、小说、戏剧乃至童话等文学各个领域都给俄罗斯文学提供了典范.普希金还被高尔基誉为“一切开端的开端 ”.
Pushkin (1799 ~ 1837), Russia mighty poet , novelist, 19 centuries Russias romantism literature represents mainly, the founder who is also realistic literature at the same time , modern Russia standard founder, his all "sun bodies "father , Russia poetry and song" of being Russia literature" is praised all are expert in, have founded Russia nation literature and literary language , have provided an example in poetry and song , novel , drama even children's stories waits for each fields of literature to give Russia literature. Pushkin is praised "the beginning being all beginning" by Gorky.
Pushkin is born in Moscow one on June 6 , 1799 self's family fortunes declined nobleman landlord family , a lifetime inclination revolution, dark autocracy carries out unyielding fighting with and , his thought and poem do, arouse a tsar discontenting and enmity of Russia ruler, he was once unwilling to knuckle under two degree all the time by Siberia, government's plot was planned to fall with person decisive struggle but died ultimately in the tsar, annual only 38-year-old. He grows up in deep literature atmosphere. Childhood times , he have controlled , accepted nobleman education from France tutor, already can compose a poem Gallice when being 8-year-old. Home collection of books enriches , offers literature celebrity the right hand of fellowship, his serf family background nurse has often been given an account of the Muscovite folktale and legend by him , he has had a taste of rich Russia language will do from childhood right away , has developed deep interest in popular creation.
普希金的这些作品引起了沙皇政府的不安,1820年他被外派到俄国南部任职,这其实是一次变相的流放.在此期间,他与十二月党人的交往更加频繁,参加了一些十二月党的秘密会议.他追求自由的思想更明确,更强烈了.普希金写下《短剑》(1821)、《囚徒》(1822)《致大海》(1824)等名篇,还写了一组“南方诗篇”,包括《高加索的俘虏》(1822) 、《强盗兄弟》 (1822)、《巴赫切萨拉依的泪泉》(1824)、《茨冈》(1824)四篇浪漫主义叙事长诗.还写下了许多优美的抒情诗:《太阳沉没了》(1820)、《囚徒》和《短剑》(1821)等
These Pushkin's work has aroused a tsar government's discomposure, in 1820 he is held a post by outside faction to Russia south , this is a Siberia in disguised form in fact. Here period , his and Decembrist association more frequently, have participated in a little December Party's secrete session. He runs after free thought clearer and definiter , more intense. Pushkin writes down (1821), "prisoner" (1822) "cause ocean " "dirk " (1824th) rank of sheet, long poet having written a group of "south poem " , including "Caucasian to capture " (1822), "robber brother " (1822), "tear spring that Bach Qiesala leans on" (1824), "puncture vine ridge " (1824) four sheets romantism narrating. Have written down a lot of graceful lyric: "The sun has sunk " (1820), "prisoner" composes in reply (1821) grade "dirk "

SAT广泛的名人例子.准备考了,请高手给一些广泛的例子写SAT作文! 备考SAT问题我要考SAT.有6个月准备时间,请高手们指导怎样备考啊? 我高二 开学下半学期 准备考托福和sat(高手来.跪求中)准备高中毕业出国 自己不太懂.一头雾水 请高手和有经验的朋友帮我列一个计划 如 现在开始该怎么准备托福和sat 先准备 SAT 托福单词计划表拜托了各位 我今年六月准备考托福...十月份准备考SAT..请问谁能给我提供一个背SAT和托福单词的计划表呢?我用的是SAT小红宝(老俞那本),托福的词以类记或老俞那本都可 SAT作文的万能例子SAT作文的例子准备几个?从哪几个方面准备? 考SAT作文时,在考场上想不到名人例子用自已的生活经验可以吗?会不会因为这样而低分?(急!) 我快要去香港考SAT,大概去两个星期,不知道需要准备什么,请各位去香港考过SAT的,想先去了解一下,顺便玩一玩! 想考SAT,怎么准备? SAT作文例子怎么准备? SAT写作例子如何准备? SAT写作例子如何准备? 想考SAT,托福之类的,怎么准备? SAT报名需要提前多久?准备考5月份的 求SAT词汇,需要背哪些才开始准备,求考过的人给我推荐几本 sat作文素材的问题,我下个月就要考sat了,我到现在还没有写作的准备,我想问一下怎样在最快的时间里找到万能的作文素材?应该要找哪种素材才好?有同学在知道里回答说要6,7个例子准备就可 谁能给我介绍点人生态度与事业的例子请给我介绍一些名人的例子 `是 人生态度决定事业的名人的例子 再次麻烦您 给我详细的说一下SAT,行不行?我是那个问SAT的人,您说我怎么办呢,我真是有些乱了.您觉得现在准备晚不晚.我觉得您一定考过SAT,或者是从事有关这种SAT职业的人, 考sat的同学们,大家一般写几个例子?